OFA creative writing competition

Published by Michelle Castelletti on

In association with our Partnerships team at MCS, we asked the award-winning children’s author Ross MacKenzie to suggest a title for this year’s creative writing competition.

Children aged 7-11 are invited to write a short story entitled ‘The Door in the Cellar.’ The story should be no longer than 250 words and submitted via email to info@artsfestivaloxford.org and include your name, age and school. The closing date is Monday 14th June.

The winners will receive signed copies of Ross MacKenzie’s Evernight and Feast of the Evernight and have their story published here on our website. In addition, the winning entrant’s school will receive a set of the author’s back catalogue (The Emporium Trilogy, Shadowsmith, Evernight series).
We look forward to reading your stories, and good luck!