COMING SOON: Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers

Published by Michelle Castelletti on

We are delighted to announce this thrilling event for the 2022 Festival, performing at The New Theatre Oxford this summer.

Experience the power of heart-pounding rhythms on huge taiko drums, sharp synchronisation and high energy, in a spellbinding performance from Mugenkyo’s tribe of performers from across the globe.

Following their landmark 25th year, the UK’s original touring Taiko pioneers return to the road with their latest show of skill, stamina & red-hot rhythms to stir your soul.

Mugenkyo are Europe’s longest-established taiko group, with ground-breaking cross-genre collaborations, TV, film & recording projects, and thousands of thrilling live performances, captivating audiences worldwide. See what the reviews say:

This show is not one to be missed.

Edinburgh Evening News

Mugenkyo showcases its musical presentation in totally modern style, making the esoteric thoroughly pop… sustaining its appeal right to the climax, winning thunderous applause.

The Stage

Showcasing the ancient art of taiko drumming with lightning-fast synchronisation & complex rhythms on huge barrel-sized instruments. Hypnotic and primal, the show is an entrancing display of physicality, precision & discipline.

The List

Coming to The New Theatre Oxford on Sunday 26 June 2022, booking information here!

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