Our Story

Young musicians from Street Orchestra Live raise their instruments in the air after performing live in Oxford's Bonn Square on a sunny day in June 2019.
Street Orchestra Live do a pop-up concert to the delight of passers-by in Oxford’s Bonn Square, June 2019

“The Arts are essential to humanity which is something that MCS recognises in every aspect and is why they founded this festival. Since 2009 Oxford Festival of the Arts has grown in scope, duration and artistic ambition. It is my great privilege to programme this wonderful celebration of the arts.”

Dr Michelle Castelletti, Festival Director

Oxford Festival of the Arts is proud to be the city’s arts festival, curating exhibitions, events and experiences across all art forms.  With the festival office geographically situated in OX4 just off Magdalen Bridge, the festival acts like the metaphoric bring between town and gown, contextualising events through exhibitions and artefacts, discussions, and performance, fostering partnerships locally, nationally, and internationally with cultural partners, schools, and the diverse communities in Oxford, whilst creating unique experiences, and commissioning new work, with public engagement at its core.  

We attract nationally and internationally renowned performers and artists, as well as exciting newcomers and wonderful home-grown talent. Through our many cultural partnerships, we are able to make use of the buildings, open spaces, and performance venues that our beautiful city of Oxford has to offer.

Our mission is to offer a broad programme of performances, events, and experiences embracing music; classical, contemporary and new, theatre, visual art, film, dance, comedy, and literature. We celebrate Oxford’s diverse communities and offer something for everyone, whatever their age, background or artistic experience.

The Oxford Festival of the Arts was founded by Magdalen College School and the first festival took place in 2009. The school remains our lead sponsor and greatest supporter.

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To get in touch with us you can either write to:

Oxford Festival of the Arts
c/o Magdalen College School
Cowley Place

Call 01865 242191

Or email info@artsfestivaloxford.org