C.S. Lewis Symposium – Honouring a 60 Year Legacy
A presentation of the works and legacy of C.S. Lewis, with keynote speakers Dr Michael Ward, a literary critic and theologian, Francis Spufford, author and teacher, Simon Horobin, Professor of English Language & Literature, at the University of Oxford, and The Reverend Dr Laura Biron-Scott, Philosopher and Vicar of Holy Trinity Headington Quarry.
The day will close with a special Evensong at 6pm in the College Chapel, sung by the Consort of Voices.
This talk links to C.S. Lewis Oxford and other worlds exhibition.
Curated by Professor Simon Horobin and Dr Lucy Gwynn, this exhibition follows Lewis’s time at Oxford and places his academic work alongside his science fiction and the world of Narnia. Drafts, sketches, letters, photographs and first editions will be on display.
Entrance is free